Your senses | A doorway to strength and inspiration


It can often be hard to find focus amongst the noise of daily life, which in turn means we lose sight of our goals and our presence in the moment. To quieten the noise, we can introduce simple measures and techniques, which stimulate our ability to re-centre our thoughts, work towards personal and professional growth and find new inspiration.  

What we hear, see and touch has an enormous impact on our mood and mental space. Scents, materials and the light we use enter into our subconscious and affect how we feel and think, we need to use them to empower our lives. 


Light is undeniably emotive. Imagine the first light of the day falling through your bedroom curtains - it creates an instant feeling of energising serenity. Therefore, being conscious of the quantity and quality of light is vital, reducing the blue light (phones, laptops, etc) in our lives and increasing the ‘positive’ light sources will immediately elevate our mood. 

Boost the natural light in your home where possible, using curtains made from materials like raw linen, to let light through so you can reap the benefits of Vitamin D. In the darker months, place Himalayan salt lamps in your home for their energy-giving qualities and ability to neutralise the electromagnetic field of spaces. 

Penthouse S Westkaai Antwerp by Hans Verstuyft Architect

Penthouse S Westkaai Antwerp by Hans Verstuyft Architect


Infusing your home or workspace with natural scents can immediately transport you to the relaxing state we experience when immersed in nature - essential oils are one of the best ways to do this. Depending on your needs, there are different oils to help achieve a range of personal objectives. Peppermint helps to boost energy, bergamot reduces stress and sandalwood calms nerves and helps with focus. Receive the benefits of the oils by placing a few drops on your pulse points, burning them in an aromatherapy burner or placing them on your pillow before sleeping. 

Moving Image Concept by House of Grey shot by Genevieve Lutkin

Moving Image Concept by House of Grey shot by Genevieve Lutkin


Nourishing our insides with the right food and drink helps stimulate positive brain activity. Green tea is proven to focus our thoughts, which is why Matcha (the pure powder form) has been used by Buddhist monks for over 800 years for meditation practices. It is the powerful combination of l’theanine, an ingredient shown to increase ‘alpha-wave’ activity, combined with caffeine, which helps to focus attention and create a calm, yet alert state of mind. For similar benefits, try warm water with turmeric in the morning, cleansing your internal system with its anti-inflammatory and memory-boosting properties. 


Touch is our immediate way of exploring the world. It signals connection with people and things and engenders feelings of trust. In our home and workspace we need to surround ourselves with natural fabrics and materials which benefit our mental and physical wellbeing - from raw linens to exposed wood, we should take moments to touch materials that bring feelings of joy when we move past them during the day. 

Image via warmhealer.tumblr

Image via warmhealer.tumblr


Playing ambient music and sounds while working will help to keep your brain engaged at a lower, subconscious level. Much of ambient music is designed to relax the mind and allow it to roam while providing just enough stimulation to register as inspiration. Alternatively, sound therapy treatments, such as chakra balancing therapies or gong sound baths, have numerous benefits, including helping to reduce stress and produce a better flow for our emotions. 

Louisa Grey