Manifesting Your Desires


A New Year is a time to reevaluate and refocus, offering a wealth of opportunity. Setting intentions for your year ahead can help you reach higher vibrations, creatively and personally, whereas New Year’s resolutions can sometimes feel like a negative use of time, goals which we set with probability to fail. Instead, we believe in mindfully acknowledging areas of your life that you want to change and finding ways to allow space for these new transitions.

Our mind is a powerful instrument for encouraging new practices. Using your thoughts to overcome negative thinking, harness positive energy and visualise your dreams will help bring desires to fruition.

List of Intentions

The simple act of replacing the word ‘goals’ with intentions, encourages the thinking that small changes in our daily life can have an impact on a greater scale. Whether you have acts you want to introduce, or habits you wish to break, it’s important to start weaving these intentions into your life and see where they lead. Once you have them, declare them to yourself with simple affirmations that you repeat while meditating. 

Photography by Yosigo

Photography by Yosigo

Remove Negative Energy

It’s equally important to remove as it is to introduce when realigning your thoughts - it allows for space. Acknowledge and remove things from your life which are stopping you from achieving your desires and suppressing your happiness. Whether it be negative thoughts from yourself, personalities which are blocking your path, or simply the timing of your ideas - they will all be holding you back from realising your intentions. Be patient with yourself and accept negative thoughts, welcome them, address them and then seek ways to replace them with positive ones and in turn this will be a daily habit.

How to Start Manifesting

Use your intentions to manifest your ideas into reality. Have a clear idea in your mind of exactly what you want to achieve and imagine how it will be beneficial to your life. Once you’ve removed negative areas, you’ll already be closer to your objective and remember to focus on the positives, with appreciation and gratitude. Make a list of what you are thankful for then you do not need to worry about what you're lacking.

Positive Visualisation

After manifesting we need to visualise. Once you have a clear visual in your mind you need to activate it, to do so, meditate on the idea, create a physical creative board and consciously view it with your mind’s eye - any technique which helps it feel more real to you will make the reality closer. 

Photography by Nicole Mason

Photography by Nicole Mason

Reclaim Your Time

Time is the most precious of commodities and we should never take for granted what a difference even 10 minutes can make to our mental wellbeing. Remove 10-30 minutes of digital time from your day, using it to carve space for a personal project or re-setting your thoughts. Spend this time identifying what brings positive energy into your life and perform actions which help you tune into your thoughts: meditation, yoga or the soothing act of making a cup of tea. These moments of pause and reflection can give absolute clarity to our thoughts.


Louisa Grey